Al Tucher has Mary Alice explain the BISMARCK RULES to all of us at the Oregon Literary Review.
If Mary Alice seems a familiar face, she should be; she appeared in Little Miss Perfect, Al's contest entry back in March/April. There's another familiar face that pops up in this story, too, but I'll let that rest and not ruin it for you.
Let me say that Al has a real tour de force on his hands. I described the circumstances of BISMARCK RULES to Al as one big headache for Mary Alice until the close of the story. But, rest assured, just because the story concludes, doesn't mean it's over. Mary Alice has been a bad, bad girl. But I'll bet you can't disagree with her actions.
Check it out.
Meanwhile, Eric Beetner has two new stories up.
He's got a sick sense of BROTHERLY LOVE over at The Flash Fiction Offensive. Dark, gritty and squiggly, you'll love it.
At the same time, he describes what one can expect inside THE ROOM NEXT TO ROOM 5 at Thrillers, Killers 'N' Chillers. If there's a knock at your door and a tuna sandwich waiting outside, run!
And Glenn Gray has what I believe is an old Muzzle Flash tale up at The FFO titled DIG.
I won't say a word about this story except you'll dig DIG.
Why I read short stories
5 hours ago
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